Ministry Task Groups The Church of the Abiding Savior, Lutheran
The Worship, Prayer, and Praise Task Group
is responsible for planning, managing and supporting the worship life of the congregation.
The In-Reach Task Group
is responsible for planning, managing and supporting the fellowship and stewardship life of the congregation, including implementing and maintaining internal contact and visitation with the membership, encouraging membership participation and involvement in church activities, and coordinating and encouraging members to give of themselves, their time, and their possessions in support of God’s work by the church.
The Property Task Group
is responsible for planning, managing and supporting the care and maintenance of all physical property, and the use of our facilities.
The Finance Task Group
is responsible for planning, managing and supporting the financial affairs of the congregation, including budget, loans, and endowments.
The Faith Formation Task Group
is responsible for planning, managing and supporting the faith development of those engaged in our ministry including educational, service and spiritual opportunities for growth.
The Outreach Task Group
is responsible for planning, managing, and supporting our ministry to and with the greater community, including inviting, serving and sharing the Gospel and addressing issues of justice and human need.
The Small Community Garden
The Small Community Garden brings together the NCCU CAMPUS, the DURHAM TECHNICAL COMMUNITY COLLEGE CAMPUS, the COMMUNITY surrounding Abiding Savior, and the CONGREGATION to work on food sustainability by growing and distributing food.